Grade 1 is the first treble/alto recorder level in SightReadingMastery. Exercises in grade 1 are approachable because they're restricted to simple time (4/4, 3/4, 2/4) and are only 4-6 bars long. They also can be in only one of the following keys: F, G and Bb major. At the same time, grade 1 recorder exercises may be challenging for the absolute beginner, as they require a good grasp on music reading and recorder fundamentals.
Grade 1 Recorder Sight Reading Exercise
Try this free recorder sight reading piece to get a sense of what you can expect in grade 1.
Tips for Grade 1 Recorder Sight Reading
- Get situated with your recorder where you can comfortably see the piece (an iPad or other tablet is especially convenient for this, as you can set it right on your music stand; print this page if needed)
- Take 30 seconds to look over the piece before you attempt to sight read it
- Once you've started, keep going no matter what – learning not to stop even when you make a mistake is one of the most important skills in recorder sight reading
- When you're finished playing, press the "Listen" button to hear a correct performance of the exercise; take a moment to reflect on how you did