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Anonymous musician #347,925 sight read the voice piece Breathtakingly and 7 others12/15/24 at 3:22pm
Anonymous musician #329,538 sight read the piano piece Waltzing Moderately12/15/24 at 2:34pm
Anonymous musician #345,111 identified 5 notes in Note Recognition12/15/24 at 1:07pm
Anonymous musician #347,986 sight read the voice piece Louder, My Friend and 4 others12/15/24 at 12:52pm
Anonymous musician #347,957 sight read the piano piece Gently in F Major12/15/24 at 4:05am
Anonymous musician #347,957 identified 1 note in Note Recognition12/15/24 at 4:05am
Anonymous musician #347,957 identified 8 notes in Note Recognition12/15/24 at 3:04am
Anonymous musician #347,957 sight read the piano piece Sadly and Gently in D Minor and 1 other12/15/24 at 3:03am
Anonymous musician #347,953 sight read the violin piece Majestically in D Major and 4 others12/14/24 at 11:31pm