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Anonymous musician #367,783 sight read the trumpet piece Pesante and 1 other03/31/25 at 1:21pm
Anonymous musician #366,859 sight read the trumpet piece Majestic Forte and Piano and 4 others03/31/25 at 12:30pm
Anonymous musician #329,538 sight read the piano piece Waltz in F Major03/31/25 at 12:27pm
Anonymous musician #367,684 sight read the piano piece Cantate Domino and 1 other03/31/25 at 9:50am
Anonymous musician #367,655 sight read the piano piece Cantabile in A Minor and 7 others03/31/25 at 8:34am
Anonymous musician #367,652 sight read the trumpet piece Triumphant Victor and 3 others03/31/25 at 6:57am
Anonymous musician #367,553 sight read the flute piece Ascend, Descend and 2 others03/30/25 at 8:21pm